Monday, June 18, 2012

New book introduction

Fair warning and disclaimer; you might become quite angry while reading this book. So many speakers and authors nuance and adjust for political correctness what they think and feel you may have become anesthetized by their gumdrops and lollipops lovey-dovey gentile manner. This is not an "everyone gets a trophy" "feel good about me" book. This is the real deal, our authentic condition, and my assessment as to why we are here and what to do. There will be other books in my series. By the end of my series I hope I make you mad enough to do something, throw the book, scream at the book, maybe even kick the book - but not at a dog or cat! I am hoping you become angry and fed up enough to do something, anything to help stop the bleeding in this country! No pressure, but it really is all up to you. There is something seriously wrong with our country. If you don’t think so, then either you don’t live in the USA, or you are unaware of what the United States of America stood for at its founding. The Founding Fathers had a distinct idea in mind for this country and the condition we are currently in is most certainly not that distinct idea. The United States of America was born from greatness, for greatness. We were born for liberty and freedom, boundless opportunity for those willing to stand for liberty and freedom, and work for the opportunity provided to every hard working American. The truth of our condition is difficult to bear. The actual condition of our country is hurtful, and to some degree, offensive to hear. This book will be a painful read for patriots born here in the USA and those who have earned the right to be called American. At some point, as Greece, Spain, and several other countries will fall despite heroic and incredibly expensive bail out loans and policy changes. These countries will fall because they fail to reject and repent of the very behaviors and ideologies that placed them into the pit that they will languish in until other countries, despots and dictators claim what is left of them for their own. America is no different. Our press abdicated its responsibility and traded it for accountability. The press bears responsibility for its actions and inaction over the course of many years of neglecting to report the truth in lieu of creating and manipulating the truth to an unrecognizable image of truth. The press rejected its mandate of truthful and accurate reporting and they chose to nuance bits of fact and replace the truth with theirs and others secret agendas. In that wake the citizenry of the United States has missed the opportunity to recognize their true condition. We missed the opportunity to act with valor, courage, and relentless commitment to liberty and freedom, until now. There are many well written books by highly regarded authors describing many aspects of our condition. This book intends to go a good bit deeper into the deep cuts into our body. It hurts to clean the deep cuts. It is has been said that “time heals all wounds.” I disagree and I would submit to you that a wound without treatment over time festers into infected sores. Time heals nothing; it is the hard steps we take during that time to treat our wounds and our active and living faith that God use to will heal our nation.

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